Summer Motorcycling Gear: 10 Ways To Beat the Heat

5 Accessories Every Biker Must Own

When the summer months roll around, children get out of school and Americans to head out on vacation. While there are plenty of trip options available, many motorcyclists use their free time to explore the open road on the back of a bike, but summer’s swelter can take its toll. Your motorcycle protective suit might be designed to help you survive an accident, but it does little to alleviate the heat. Here are 10 ways you can cut down on the sweat without sacrificing a quality ride this summer.

  1. Invest in layers of motorcycle clothing that can be removed or added as temperatures fluctuate.
  2. Choose a helmet that has an effective ventilation system.
  3. Upgrade your bike with the best motorcycle parts and accessories to maximize airflow and keep your engine cool.
  4. Use gloves and other pieces of equipment made out of breathable materials.
  5. Take frequent stops to hydrate yourself with water or sports drinks.
  6. Get a heat-troller system that provides warmth on demand so you can wear a thinner jacket year-round.
  7. Buy a portable hydration device to wear on your back so you can safely drink on the road.
  8. Wear base layers made out of material designed to wick away perspiration.
  9. Pick up a pair of summer-weight boots that provide foot support without adding bulk.
  10. Use your GPS system to plot out an ideal route with logical stops to lower your core temperature.

Stay Cool This Summer

These are just 10 great tips to help keep your temperature down during summer rides but don’t hesitate to talk with other motorcycle owners to get their own suggestions developed through years on bikes. You work hard all year to earn vacation time, so don’t let high temperatures keep you from doing the things you love. Make a few simple changes to your gear and you’ll be ready to conquer the road on the calendar’s hottest days.