The importance of family relationships to development and health cannot be understated. As you can read on this website, having strong and positive bonds with our family members can shape the way that a child develops throughout their entire lives. That means proper care and cultivating of said relationships is key.
How can we do that, though? It’s important no matter where we live, including Albuquerque. Getting family counseling or therapy is one method, particularly if you find that things are turning sour, and you don’t know what to do about it. Needing support from a professional isn’t something we should shy away from – rather, we should embrace it.
Family Dynamics – What’s Dysfunctional?
While we might be able to recognize some of these signs of dysfunction, I still think they’re important to discuss. Otherwise, something might slip through the cracks and a family who needs help might not get it. As with most relationships, the core root of most problems lies in communication.
Effective communication skills are difficult to cultivate. This makes them all the more important, especially when raising children that will become productive members of society. We want to help them be able to function in their adulthood.
Unfortunately, if a parent experienced a toxic environment when they grew up, they might end up perpetuating those behaviors even if it is unintentional. That is why service at a place like The Enhancement Center can help curb these issues and promote healthy mechanisms instead.
One thing to look out for is favoritism. Remember that this is often not intentional and malicious (though it can be). Often, a parent doesn’t even realize they are doing it. However, applying different rules to certain kids or family members can lead to resentment and arguments.
It might also damage the self-esteem of whoever is not the favorite. Even if they are only perceiving it like that, the effect remains the same. We should lift them up, not make them feel worse about themselves.
In this vein, be careful to avoid something known as “conditional” love. A caretaker should not make their loved ones feel that their love will be gone if expectations are not met, for example. If you are withholding any affection until they do something to appease you, that’s toxic behavior.
The final thing I’ll touch upon today as far as red flags to remember is a lack of boundaries. This can manifest in several ways. One of the most common, unfortunately, is having an older sibling take a parental role. Kids should not be raising other kids – that’s just a fact.
This sort of dynamic forces the oldest sibling to grow up far too fast. They deserve to enjoy their younger years as well and shouldn’t have that responsibility thrust upon them. That’s not the only thing, though.
A parent ignoring the autonomy and desires of a child is also a bad thing in most cases. Kids should be able to have a say in their important life decisions, especially as they get older. An example of this is a major for university or the decision to attend at all.
What Can We Do About These Problems?
Now, if you find you’re experiencing something like the above or as shown on this page,, it might be time to consider getting support. One method is to get therapy or counseling for your whole family.
Strains on these connections can result in serious developmental consequences. That’s why it’s a good thing to seek out support for mending them. In a therapy session, you might learn valuable tools for coping strategies or additional communication skills.
A part of this is examining roles within the family. This could manifest as I mentioned above, with an older child taking a more parental role. Any harmful positions should be addressed and hopefully altered to create a healthier environment for everyone involved.
Hopefully, the reasons for seeking out services aren’t too serious. Even if they are, though, don’t give up hope. With guidance and assistance, most families can find ways to reconnect and reconcile any differences to form happier and healthier bonds than they have ever been before!