Utilizing Dolomite Lime For Healthier Plant Life


Are you wondering about how to utilize dolomite for plants? When you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to use this one-of-a-kind chemical in your garden to restore the natural equilibrium of your soil.

It’s crucial to understand the particular demands of your plants. Even though blueberries and azaleas are examples of plants that thrive in acidic soil, the majority of plants really prefer conditions that are closer to neutral. Because of this, dolomite limes are very beneficial to plants.

Calcium and magnesium make up 18 to 23% of the chemical, which is often used in the garden as a fertilizer. These components have the potential to not only provide your soil with the essential minerals it lacks but also to assist in elevating the pH of the soil in order to make it more alkaline.

When is the use of dolomite for plants absolutely important, and how should it be applied? 

Dolomite lime may be beneficial for plants, and this may serve as a guide for you as to what you need to understand about it.

What Exactly Is Dolomite Lime? Do plants benefit in any way from dolomite?

It is possible to increase soil pH by adding dolomite lime, a particular sort of limestone, to fertilize plants. It has different levels of calcium and magnesium and is also known as calcium magnesium carbonate.

When you go to the store to buy dolomite lime, you could find it in a variety of forms, including prills, pellets, granules, both coarse and fine, and prills. Dolomite lime and regular lime have distinct properties. It’s easy – dolomite lime has additional magnesium. In certain situations, dolomite lime also includes sodium, although generally at a ratio of 2 percent or less. This shouldn’t be enough to have any kind of impact on your plants at all.

Do plants benefit in any way from dolomite?

If you think that the soil in your yard has too much acidity, adding some dolomite lime might be beneficial.

The results of a simple soil pH test should be used to verify everything, including the information presented here. Click here for more information and instructions on performing soil pH tests. One of these tests may be done at home or by sending a sample to a local cooperative extension service.

The ideal pH range for most plant growth is between 6.0 to 7.4, which is considered neutral. Dolomite lime may be used to raise the pH of the soil when it is below 5.9, making it slightly more alkaline and conducive to the development of healthy plants. This is accomplished by adding dolomite to the soil.

Even though most plants thrive best in neutral soil, the pH of the ground may periodically shift either toward a more acidic or a more alkaline state. When this occurs, the environment becomes less ideal for plants to thrive, with an improper pH typically restricting their capacity to ingest critical nutrients.

Adjusting Soil pH


There are several methods to alter the pH of soil (See this link to know more https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/reducing-soil-ph/), and the majority of them may be done without your knowledge or involvement. When plants are harvested, the soil may undergo transformation as a result of the loss of organic matter as well as the extraction of several soil minerals. Erosion and fertilizer usage may alter pH. 

Dolomite lime has the ability to bring the pH level back up, making the solution somewhat less acidic. There are a number of essential nutrients that may be depleted in plants cultivated in soils that are too alkaline for the plants’ requirements.

Because of these inadequacies, the development of your plants may become stunted, or the fruits may not form properly or ripen properly, or it may even lead the plants to perish entirely.

In light of this, using dolomite lime to raise a low pH is a prudent course of action. In addition, this modification provides gardeners with another advantage: it is a source of magnesium as well as calcium. Rather of paying for a costly calcium and magnesium supplement, you may save money by taking this instead.

What Benefits Does Dolomite Provide to Plants?

When it comes to putting dolomite in the garden, the timing is of the utmost importance. Technically, you can use this product in your garden or yard whenever there is no ice, snow, or temperatures below freezing. Spring and autumn are often the greatest times to fertilize your plants, since they acquire the most nutrients.

If at all possible, schedule the application of your dolomite lime on a day when the sky is clear. If you apply the dolomite lime while the sky is clear, there is less of a chance that it will evaporate before it is taken into the soil. This is true despite the fact that it is absorbed quite fast into the soil.

How To Make Use Of Dolomite To Increase Your Daily Intake Of Calcium And Magnesium

It is recommended that you apply dolomite lime around 2 to 3 weeks before planting if you are doing so because of the additional calcium and magnesium that it will provide. Because of this, the compound will have sufficient time to decompose in the soil and provide the necessary boost to your plants. Even after the first planting, you may add more plants.

Add a generous amount of dolomite lime to the soil’s top six inches before planting.