The Security Risk of Growing Marijuana



The United States remains in the middle of the opioid crisis. Moreover, major cities continue seeing a rise in homelessness caused by drug addiction. The prime example is San Francisco. 

San Francisco remains in such crisis that media members claim the city is in slow-motion suicide. The once-popular destination for conventions continues losing business to other cities including Las Vegas.

Of course, tourism to the Golden City has dropped too.

Legal or not, marijuana remains a drug, and it’s part of the deterioration of America. Plus, it carries security risks with it for growers, distributors, and neighborhoods where these companies set up shop.

Proponents of the substance claim that it does not attract bad elements or crime. However, reality proves otherwise.

If growing marijuana is your career calling, it’s a good idea to understand the security risks that go with the territory. As you put together your business plan, understand the security risk of growing the substance, even on a personal basis.

1. Theft

Growing the substance puts the grower at risk for theft. Proponents of the substance continually insisted in 2019 that it didn’t lead to increased theft. However, reports in 2021 proved otherwise. 

In San Francisco and Oakland, theft related to the substance has increased. Once proponents of any topic see that reality proves them wrong, the blame game begins. 

Pot proponents blame the police and accuse them of letting the robberies occur. Keep in mind that many proponents of pot also called for defunding the police. 

Nonetheless, crime is on the rise across the United States, especially in major cities. 

The Biden Administration has not curtailed crime; in some cases, the Administration fermented it. In 2021, 12 major American cities broke records for homicides

In Oakland, dispensaries claim that robberies have led to $5 million in losses. Moreover, individuals have started casing dispensaries and assaulting those delivering the product. 

Entrepreneurs who decide to enter this high-risk field must integrate security measures into their operation. A company such as Special Security Services has experience working in these environments. 

Therefore, consulting with security professionals can help make your business safer against physical risks.

2. Employee Background Checks

Thefts occur externally and internally. Business owners who neglect running thorough employee background checks put themselves in a precarious situation. 

Employee background checks include:

  • Verifying the applicant’s identity
  • Checking for prior arrests and outstanding warrants
  • Verifying previous employment history and education
  • Speaking with references

It costs $5,000 to hire, train, and develop one new employee. All companies, especially small ones and start-ups, benefit from hiring the right applicants on the first try.

3. Internal Business Protocols

After hiring a trustworthy staff, ensure that your company has solid internal business protocols. 

Adopting a code of conduct and culture puts your team on the same page. Plus, you also need protocols to protect inventory, transactions, and income.

Business professionals also recommend outlining protocols for safety, management, and data protection.

4. Insurance Requirements and Noncompliance

All companies require a series of insurance policies. Plus, some cities and states have mandates. Noncompliance leads to penalties.

Insurance costs for a small business can run up to $1,000 a month. However, they provide benefits when your company files a claim. 

If your company becomes a victim of theft, insurance helps cover your losses.

5. Increase in Local Crime

As homicides and robberies continue increasing across the United States, marijuana growers risk increasing local crime in their immediate area. This leads to the deterioration of the surrounding neighborhood.

Marijuana thefts occur at business locations; they also occur in residential areas. 

In Flint, Michigan, an individual received 17 years in federal prison. The individual was part of an attempted marijuana robbery at a residence. 

The group planned to break into the home and steal. Authorities found out that they intended to use deadly force if necessary. On the night of the attempted robbery, the conspirators and residents exchanged gunfire. The residents managed to kill two of the conspirators in self-defense.

A quiet neighborhood can quickly turn into a war zone when drugs become involved. 


Entrepreneurs enter an array of business fields and sectors including growing marijuana. It’s always a good idea to understand the security risks of any opportunity. Even though pot is a legal substance in several states, it’s still a drug. Therefore, it attracts several bad elements.