How to create best leopard gecko habitat

How to create best leopard gecko habitat

The leopard gecko is a popular pet due to its adaptability with humans and mingling nature.

How to create the best leopard gecko habitat:

Tank: This reptile loves to stay on the ground so the tank should have a lot of horizontal and wide space.

How to choose and build the best leopard gecko habitat?

Build a rectangular glass tank of 20-40 gallon not wire mesh cages as the claws of the pet can get stuck into it. Choose spacious, strong, proper ventilation, water-resistant base, proper lighting, glass heating should be limited, easy cleaning, escape-proof tank. Tank size can vary from the space in your house and the requirement of your pet.

Top 5 best tanks for gecko’s are Exo Terra All Glass Terrarium, KollerCraft Flat-Backed Reptile Habitat, Exo Terra Glass Terrarium Mayan, Zoo Med Laboratories ReptiHabitat, Exo Terra Nano Glass Terrarium.

Water: Leopard Geckos need fresh drinking water so keep a small quantity of it in a flat shallow bowl to avoid the drowning of the feeder insects and your pet in it, change it on daily basis.

Humidity Level: Maintaining proper humidity is important, as there are chances of infection, fungal growth, respiratory problems, and hydration issues due to improper humidity. Suggested level is 20%-40%, use of a hygrometer to control levels, it is humidity sensor. If the climate is humid, increase the airflow in the tank, and provide a smaller water dish and reduce air flow and water access if the humidity is too low. You may use reptile foggers these are humidifiers transferring fog via hose enclosed.

Temperature: The leopard geckos cannot generate body heat on their own hence are dependent on the environment to keep them warm. You may design the tank to have a cool and hot side so that it can move around to change the side when it is either too hot or too cold. They need a high temperature for digestion thus you may set the temperatures 87-90 °F, monitor the max temp cannot be above 94°F. At night, you may lower the temperature by 10-15 degrees. Precautionary measures are must as improper temperatures can cause digestion problems and serious health issues.

Lighting:  The leopard geckos need about 14 hours of light in summer and 12 hours of light in winters and this transition of summer to winter should be slow just like the weather changes in the natural environment. You may opt for automatic timers for the lights to keep your pet safe. Strong, bright or UV lights can cause stress in them.

Accessories: Some rocks and logs in the background, vertical climbing, live or artificial plants etc. anything you put in a tank should be disinfected and no insects or parasites should be there in the rock and log gaps.

Hiding Places: The leopard gecko’s hide provides change and shelter form the unwanted heat, cold, and light; or just when it is frightened by the entry of unknown people and other pets in the room. It can be some natural rock formation or shells and option is the heatproof plastic containers. Leopard gecko used this hideout for controlling body temperature, digesting food or simply hiding. The warm, cold, and moist hides are preferred as they can choose where to hide and when. The position of hot hide should be in the cold area of tank and vice-a-versa.

Substrate: It is the bedding or flooring placed in the tank for the gecko to walk around. Avoid use of sand as they may eat it and face health issues, use of tiles and flat stones can give natural environment and look but need to check that it does not have sharp edges, creating a paper base makes it easy to clean but in too high temperatures it can catch fire. Reptile carpet looks good but cleaning it is somewhat difficult.

Cleaning: The must for your pet’s health is the proper cleaning of tank and removal of waste on daily basis.

Evidently, selecting a perfect habitat for your leopard gecko can be confusing but there are multiple options to suit your budget and preferences.