Do You Need Weight Loss Surgery Or Help With Frozen Shoulder Pain

Need Weight Loss Surgery

There really is no fixed rule that applies and that allows you to decide if someone is a candidate for obesity or bariatric surgery. On the contrary, a personalized and careful study is necessary to provide the best treatment to each particular case. That said, it is important to be clear about several concepts and formulas used in medicine and surgery to know if someone needs or is a candidate for a weight loss surgery Calgary procedure. Since the early 90s, it has been accepted that obesity or bariatric surgery may be indicated in patients who have failed supervised conservative treatment, with a BMI equal to or greater than 40 kg.

The Exclusion

The treatment will be aimed mainly at patients with an adequate psychological profile between the ages of 18 and 65 years (with the possibility of including children under 18 years of age or over 65 years of age in special situations). There are patients who will be excluded, such as:

  • Patients with severe and untreated bipolar disorders, unstable schizophrenia and psychosis, untreated bulimia nervosa, drug dependence, and alcoholism.
  • Active neoplastic disease.
  • Chronic treatment with steroids.
  • Severe liver, heart, or respiratory disease.

Bariatric Procedures

The IFSO (International Federation of Obesity Surgery) recognizes as “qualified procedures” being the laparoscopic approach of the first choice in all cases:

  • The Gastric Band
  • Vertical gastrectomy (tubular gastrectomy, gastric sleeve, or gastric sleeve)
  • The Gastric Bypass
  • Biliopancreatic diversion (duodenal crossing or SADIS).

There are also other bariatric procedures performed endoscopically with different results within which the gastric balloon and gastric plication stand out. Other techniques, variations of the previous ones not yet consolidated, can be carried out, but only in very specific contexts: well-selected patients, careful evaluation of patient safety and results, in addition to a protocol approved by a unit specialized in bariatric surgery.

The Different Types

Below we will briefly explain the different types of procedures.

Gastric Balloon: It is a spherical device or soft and inflatable silicone balloon, placed through the mouth endoscopically on the stomach, which allows it to adjust its filling volume and adapt it to each person. There are several types of the balloon for different needs and there is even a gastric balloon that is placed without endoscopy and without the need for anesthesia or sedation. This procedure has been devised as a non-surgical alternative in the treatment of overweight or obesity.

Gastric Banding: It is an expandable silicone ring that is placed on the top of the stomach, and using a reservoir placed under the skin of the abdomen is filled with saline to adapt it to each person. It is implanted by a minimally invasive procedure or laparoscopy.

Vertical Gastrectomy: Vertical gastrectomy, also called tubular gastrectomy, gastric sleeve, or gastric sleeve, involves removing approximately 80% of the stomach laparoscopically, leaving the stomach that is originally like a “wine boot”, in the form of a thin tube.

Gastric Bypass: It is considered today the “gold standard” in obesity operations. The volume of the stomach is reduced, in addition to making a shunt of the small intestine shortening the passage and absorption of food through it. These two mechanisms described achieving the goals of weight loss.

Making the Decision

With your doctor’s help, you will be able to decide whether to proceed with weight-loss surgery and if you are a candidate or not. There are health checks that you have to go through before the decision can be made. The same is true, if you have to endure pain management at a world frozen shoulder clinic. If after the procedure you feel you might need a touch up feel free to contact Clinique Evolution to discuss your options.