Tips to Lead a Healthy Life despite a Bleeding Disorder

Tips to Lead a Healthy Life despite a Bleeding Disorder

Bleeding disorders sound so depressing and alarming too but you could still lead a healthy, active, and fulfilling life. You simply need to be little organized with your life and half the battle is won. You need to go for regular checkups, follow the dictates of your doctor, do proper treatment, watch your weight, and focus on physical fitness. All this could make a huge difference to the quality of life and the activities you could indulge in.

“Blood disorders can affect any of the three main components of blood. Red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. White blood cells, which fight infections. Platelets, which help blood to clot. Blood disorders can also affect the liquid portion of blood, called plasma.”

Follow Some Safety Rules

You need to take certain precautions such as wearing a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads to prevent unnecessary activity-associated bleeds. While choosing an exercise or activity, you must keep in mind your history of bleeds, the condition of joints, and overall body build. You must consult a physical therapist or a qualified physician who would be assisting you in developing a fitness regimen that is well-suited to your clinical requirements.

Remember not all kinds of activities are suitable for people with bleeding disorders. You must necessarily talk to your doctor before joining any sporting activity. In case there is an injury, you must at once seek medical intervention. Some bleeding disorders include hemophilia which is the most recognized, Von Willebrand disease which is the most common among the bleeding disorders and about 1 percent of the population suffers from this issue, and Gray Platelet Syndrome, which is supposed to be a rare inherited condition.

Go for Regular Checkups

The best way to lead a healthy life despite bleeding issues is to go for regular routine checkups. You must follow the recommendations of your doctor to the dot. Regular visits to the doctor would ensure that all is well with you and if there are any issues they could be rectified well in time.

Put Major Emphasis on Fitness

Obesity rates are quite high in case of people having bleeding disorders. If you do regular workouts and have healthy meals, your weight would tend to be lower and your muscles would definitely become stronger. It would imply that your joints would encounter less stress.

Maintain Oral Health & Hygiene

Regular dental checkups are a must as that could mean healthy gums and teeth and definitely fewer mouth bleeds. Remember people with bleeding disorders who fail to maintain oral health and hygiene may encounter more mouth bleeds. So it is a wise idea to opt for regular visits to your dentist.

Stay Active with Usual Activities & Sports

There is no need for people with bleeding disorders to completely avoid sports and activities fearing injuries. You could follow the workout regimen chalked out by your physical trainer or physician. You could opt for golf, or swimming that seems to be great for physical fitness. It is a good idea to avoid contact sports such as wrestling or football.

Conclusion: Choose an Emergency Care

If multiple emergency rooms are accessible from where you are, you should plan ahead and pick whichever ER is the best for your needs. Ideally, the facility should have a provision to fast-track critical cases and ensure the most badly injured or sickest patients are treated early. Figure out the procedure so you can swim through without any issues if you suffer a serious bleed.